Quantum Leap To Wellness

Where you finally decode your medical mystery

and say HELLO to THRIVING and Goodbye to just SURVIVING

Are you haunted by a Mystery Illness or have Chronic, Debilitating diseases and/or conditions that nobody has been able to diagnosis or treat?

Does this have you feeling Jinxed, Hexed, Vodoo’d? Are you dreaming you’re in that Death Eater scene in Harry Potter – having the life sucked out of you…?

Given up hope of ever breaking the spell and being well? Sick and suffering and in need of answers?

Ready to uncover what’s going on with your body….

"Then, I hit a point where I just couldn't live that way anymore. It had to end. I began researching suicide. It was too tortuous to continue living - just trying to survive each day. Missing out on everything in life."

“You should find a new doctor, friends and family would say when I consistently cancelled plans being too sick to do anything. Doctor after doctor for 10 years, “your fine, it’s probably depression”. While bedbound, on mattress island, these are just a few of the things said to me over the years, many which came from the medical community. Others from people I loved. All from people who didn’t have a clue what it was like to be in my shoes. I searched for answers while my body was slowly shutting down. Then, I hit a point where I just couldn’t live that way anymore. It had to end. I began researching suicide. It was too tortuous to continue living – just trying to survive each day. Missing out on everything in life. I told the Universe, one week – either I get answers to getting well on this earth, or I get well by being off this earth. Then I found this program… Not only did I get the answers I needed, I got the support I needed to start my journey of healing, from someone who’d been through what I was going through. It truly feels like a miracle. Over a decade of chronic pain and suffering…gone. Too many conditions to mention, healed. Through all this, I have now have the knowledge and tools to take charge of my own health….I never have to solely rely on the medical community again. I am externally grateful.
— Emily G.

Crystal ball unveils…you-

Left bedbound, on mattress island, suffering while everybody else is enchanted by life, going to parties, getting married, having a ghostly time at Halloween.

Silently battling your symptoms, feeling ashamed and broken. Bartering with the Universe, one more time, for healing or the Grim Reaper (death) to come.

Defeated by the medical community. Feeling shackled and thrown in the dungeon, believing that they’re evil by keeping people dependent on the system.

Overwhelmed and lost in the sea of illness, panicked in the maze of contradictory information, conflicted about what healing path to try next. Got the Devil on speed dial, ready to sell your soul to escape the hell you’re trapped in.

Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo, that’s hoodoo because…

You’re -

A 100% confident you’ll win the lottery before you ever get well!

The thought of -

Trying one more thing...when you have literally tried everything you can think of-allopathic medicine and alternative medicine: acupuncture, ayurvedic medicine, yoga gurus, hypnotherapists, frogs, snails, and puppy dog tails…... makes you want to catapult off a high-rise and just be done with it!

Chainsaw massacre fear –

As year after year streaks by, that this will never end. Imprisoned in a time-space continuum rip… no future, no hope, sucked into the blackhole…. Doomed into believing that it’s normal to suffer.


Being cast into “one size fits all” (likely incorrect) diagnosis (like toads and frogs are the same thing…) and solutions (that don’t work).


Threatened mutiny to eating clean. You’ll walk the plank before – cutting out caffeine, gluten, dairy, and sugar etc. You’re not convinced food is a culprit to your ailments. 

Supernaturally, tap danced around this illness/condition, cringing at the thought of making plans - knowing you’ll probably have to cancel. Instead, you don your invisibility cloak and disappear…best to skip the whole disappointing people gig, Again…

Double, double, toil and trouble; that ends now…

If you can put pause on the impending, apocalypse size nervous breakdown (you know is right around the corner) and/or those plans of checking out of the hotel of life,

You can discover the root cause(s) of your health conditions, and get your customized recipe for wellness.

Pam here,

Possessed with cracking cases of Mystery Illness & Chronic diseases. I’m like the Nancy Drew of Health.

My goal? To move your needle of wellness from empty to full – for eternity

Pam Musk, Master’s degree, ICF certified coach, holistic and alternative health practitioner

Eerily, my bodily slowly began shutting down, “turning me” (like a vampire does) into one of the Walking Dead (I’ve never watched that series but I’m sure I could have had a leading role!) – eventually stranding me on mattress island (my home for over a decade).

Like many of the testimonials here, I went to doctor after doctor, and heard “there’s nothing wrong with you”, – all the while I was enduring the most bloodcurdling, tortuous existence imaginable (well actually nobody can imagine it or understand it – unless they have firsthand experience).

Eventually, you become diabolical and beg/barter the Universe for death. Yep, I did – bartered.

Alakazam (or however that works), a week later I got connected to a doctor that spoke the most mesmerizing words – words I salivated to hear…” yes, there are about 10 things wrong with you, all treatable… but we have to get to the root cause of these symptoms, and we will”.

(That’s right…you heard me – I was ecstatic to hear “something was wrong” coming out of a doctor’s mouth – at that point, didn’t really care if it was fixable or not).

Eventually, you become diabolical and beg/barter the Universe for death. Yep, I did – bartered.

Alakazam (or however that works), a week later I got connected to a doctor that spoke the most mesmerizing words – words I salivated to hear…”yes, there are about 10 things wrong with you, all treatable… but we have to get to the root cause of these symptoms”.

(That’s right…you heard me – I was ecstatic to hear “something was wrong” coming out of a doctor’s mouth – at that point, didn’t really care if it was fixable or not).

For me the afterlife (after illness) is where I became entangled in the web of the healing arts

Today I reveal to others how to blast open their portal of wellness, and melt away (like the Wicked Witch in the Wizard of Oz),

Mystery Illness & Chronic Diseases...so they dwell in the Land of the Living and not Zombie Land.

Healing my body has paved the way for what feels like a miracle, not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually. I feel as though a massive weight has been lifted.
It hasn’t been easy, but throughout all the ups & downs and life challenges along the way, this program provides the critical information and support to get me through it. I feel as though a massive weight has been lifted. Healing my body has paved the way for what feels like a miracle, not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually. Everything is clearer. I understand myself and my body in a whole new way. I want others to know there’s a way out of the suffering. When you understand your body and what it needs, you can heal. I’m finally stepping into a new chapter of my life and for the first time in a long time, I’m excited and ready.

Sandy B.

Working with me will work for you, if....

You want an expert who KNOWS how to vanquish Mystery Illness & Chronic, Debilitating diseases/conditions.

You’ve VOMITED on the Healthcare Hamster Wheel

You want to be the PUPPETEER of your health

You’re “Elvis Presley, gyrating hips” crazy to jump on the bandwagon


How is scurrying through mind like a little mouse…

We'll begin to unearth your Mystery Illness & Chronic, Debilitating diseases/conditions root causes

First up, we dissect your body -you’ll get to share your whole story – every little detail – we want to hear about!
So be prepared to spill your guts.  We’ll put every morsel under a microscope – including details that others discarded and dismissed.
Alongside the information you provide and some key functional medicine labs, —-the truth will begin to materialize. Then, we’ll morph your ailments from Friday the 13th terror to Pollyanna, lollipop days of living. Oh yeah, you’ll do a little dance, make a little love, and get DOWN tonight! That’s right baby- shake your groove thing!



This program is comprehensive, there’s a lot involved. Pam does a great job of breaking it down into manageable steps. If you’re willing to commit to it, it’ll change your life. I’ll never go back to mistreating my body and having a miserable existence.

When I started, I just wanted to heal my painful, unsightly bloating/swelling in various parts of my body. I was doubtful and not sure I really needed a comprehensive program like this, but I was willing to do anything to heal. So, I rolled the dice one more time. Never did I imagine I’d heal my bloating/swelling. It did along with so many other symptoms, like depression, anxiety, hair loss, brain fog, and the list goes on.

Jackie W.

Gladys Kravitz Curiosity about me?

King Kong urge to pry? No need, Snoop Dog! Afterall, inquiring minds what to know…
So, here’s a few things Wonder Woman’s “truth lasso” would ferret out of me….

While we giggle at the thought of being a modern-day Addams’s Family- we love a little woo-woo, mystery and intrigue….

That creepy, kooky clan only comes to life at Halloween!

I’m crazy as a loon..

For ~ Simon Baker.

Most people know him from “The Mentalist”, but I first discovered him in “The Guardian”.

Batty as hell….

For ~ Dancing With The Stars.

One of my pumpkin-pie favorites! Ohh, la, la!

I love all things ANIMAL….

I would dig having my own Noah’s Ark, but with, like 20 (at least) of each animal (minus reptiles, yuck)

Hair-raising notion…stop footslogging through the day (when you’re not stranded on mattress island or the couch).

You can’t Houdini your way out of this!
But you CAN baby step yourself out of the dark.

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